Sunday, December 28, 2014

MSOE Society of Model Engineers: November 2000

I posted model train pictures on my old website on February 9, 2008. I never posted these pictures on my old website, but am including them now for completion.

I began attending the Milwaukee School of Engineering in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in September 2000, and I joined the campus model railroad club, the Society of Model Engineers. The club had just started work on a new HO-scale layout (its fourth since the club was established in 1965) and the layout was little more than benchwork and foam. I took these pictures in early November of 2000.

01 MSOE SOME Layout in Fall 2000

This is an overview of the layout from the main entrance to the layout room. The section of the layout in the foreground is still only benchwork.

02 MSOE SOME Layout in Fall 2000

This picture was taken from the other end of the room, looking in the other direction. Here, the foam base has been added to the benchwork. I’m not sure if the foam had actually been glued down in this section yet. The hardboard for the backdrop has been installed on the other side of the benchwork, but not yet on this side. The layout has two levels; the top level of framing is for a lighting valence. In the background is a section of the layout with more progress, with the backdrops and fascias installed and painted.

03 MSOE SOME Layout in Fall 2000

This picture was taken the the right of the last one, looking toward the entrance to the room. The section of the layout in the foreground of the first picture in the background on the left side of this picture.

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