Wednesday, December 31, 2014

TrainTime 1966

These pictures are from the archives of the Society of Model Engineers model railroad club at the Milwaukee School of Engineering. I scanned these pictures in November 2003 so they could be posted on the club’s website. The website is no longer online, so I am posting them here.

In the early years of the Society of Model Engineers at the Milwaukee School of Engineering, the membership decided it would be a worthwhile endeavor to sponsor a model train show on campus. Thus, TrainTime was born. It would become an annual event featuring area layouts, vendors, films and speakers, spread throughout several buildings. The pictures on this page depict TrainTime 1966, which may have been the first year of the event.

E-Building Layout 14

This first picture of the Society of Model Engineers HO-scale layout may not have been taken during TrainTime 1966, but it was taken around that time, and is a color print of about the same size as the TrainTime 1966 pictures.

TrainTime 1966 1

This picture shows a film being presented on the main floor of the E-Building, a former Welsh Presbyterian Church that was used by the Milwaukee School of Engineering as an auditorium.

TrainTime 1966 2

Unfortunately, some of the prints were damaged over the years.

TrainTime 1966 3

This damaged print shows visitors viewing the Society of Model Engineers HO-scale layout. The remaining pictures show visitors attending different parts of the show.

TrainTime 1966 4

TrainTime 1966 5

TrainTime 1966 6

TrainTime 1966 7

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